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Professor Suh-Yong Chung appointed as the new President of the Seoul International Law Academy
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  • 2023-08-10 20:21:14



서울국제법연구원은 2023년 6월 1일 개최된 제2차 이사회에서 정서용 (현)서울국제법연구원 기후환경법정책센터장을 (재)서울국제법연구원 신임 원장으로 선임하였습니다.


정서용 원장 주요 이력서


서울대학교 법과대학 학사, 석사, 박사과정 수료

영국 정경대학원 (LSE) 국제관계학 석사 (Diploma)

미국 스탠퍼드대학교 법학석사, 박사 (JSD) 



(현) 고려대학교 국제대학 교수

(현) 통일부 정책자문위원회 교류분과 위원장

(현) 서울시 탄소중립 녹색성장위원회 위원

(현) 대한국제법학회 이사

(현) (재) 서울국제법연구원 기후환경법정책센터 소장

(현) 환경한림원 정회원

(현) (사) 한국기후변화학회 부회장

글로벌녹색성장연구소 (GGGI) 이사회 이사 역임

유엔 바젤협약 이행준수위원회 부의장 역임

대통령직속 녹색성장위원회 위원 역임

외교부, 산림청, 해양수산부 정책자문위원 역임 



환경부 장관 표창 (한미 FTA 유공) 

국무총리 표창 (핵안보정상회의 유공)

포장 (해양분야 기후변화 대응 유공)  


At the 2nd Board of Directors meeting held on June the 1st, 2023, Seoul International Law Academy appointed Professor Suh-Yong Chung who is the current Director of the Center for Climate and Sustainable Development Law and Policy as the new President of SILA (Seoul International Law Academy). 


President Suh-Yong Chung Profile 

[Educational Backgrounds]

He graduated from Stanford Law School, J.D. and J.S.D. (The USA), LSE, Master in International Relation (The UK), Seoul National University, College of Law, BA, Master, Ph.D.​ 


[Major Career Backgrounds]

He is the current Professor at College of International Studies of Korea University , Chairman of Policy Advisory Committee of Ministry of Unification, Commissioner of Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth of Seoul Metropolitan Government, Director of Center for Sustainable Development Law and Policy​, Director of Korean Society of International Law, Vice President of Korean Society of Climate Change Research, Member of Korean Academy of Environmental Science


He also served as the Board Member of the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), Vice Chairman of the UN Basel Convention Compliance Committee, Member of the Presidential Committee on Green Growth, Policy Advisory Committee Member for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Korea Forest Service, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries


He also received the Commendation from Minister of Environment (Korea-US FTA Contributions), Commendation from Prime Minister (Nuclear Security Summit Contributions), and Service Merit Medal from Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries. 

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