Center for Global Climate and Marine Governance
2024 MUNCCC 대사단 모집 | ||
2024 MUNCCC 대사단 모집을 시작합니다.
Committee 1: 고등학생 대상 - Agenda A) Devising methods to best utilize Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement between the countries - Agenda B) Promoting various climate change technologies to reduce GHG emissions
Committee 2: 고등학생 대상 - Agenda A) Devising strategies for operationalizing the Loss and Damage Fund - Agenda B) Fostering technologies for climate change adaptation and GHG reduction
Committee 3: 중학생 대상 - Agenda A) Devising measures to reduce GHGs of buildings in cities - Agenda B) Addressing the roles of young generation to combat climate change
Committee 4: 중학생 대상 - Agenda A) Assisting small island countries in the Pacific to address climate change - Agenda B) Devising measures to reduce GHG emissions in the transportation sector
행사에 관련된 모든 문의 사항은 아래의 이메일을 통하여서만 가능합니다. [ ]
지원서 링크: |
이전글 | 2024 MUNCCC 내부참가자 모집 | |
다음글 | 2024 MUNCCC Conference Schedule 공지 |